Gedachten gedurende jetlag nacht / waarom ik soms iets niet durf te vragen

Soms denk ik mijn gesprekken al vooruit. Ik stel me bijvoorbeeld morgenochtend voor, ik wil wat leuke shirtjes kopen.

good morning sir, sleep well tonight?
ah goodmorning, yes thank you
good, you need anything, you let me know ok?
thank you I will
ok, good sir, have a good day
oh, what is the weather going to be?
yes very nice, weather in Bali always nice
haha, but today, will it be sunny, rainy, cloudy today?
yes maybe, very nice weather today.
… ok… and we want to go shopping for clothes, where can we go, somewhere close?
you go to Denpasar, shopping mall, very big, many stores.
ok, but maybe somewhere with small shops, like balinese shops
no no, mall is better for shopping clothes
yes, but maybe something local, where do you buy clothes?
I go to shopping mall
oh … what about regular balinese people?
ah, most people in Bali dont have money, they dont go to shopping mall
… ok thank you
no problem sir, have a good day and good shopping!

Dan zegt Karin tijdens t ontbijt; oh anders vraag je toch even waar we kleding kunnen halen, van die leuke kleine winkeltjes?
ik; … neuh man … we kijken wel onderweg